
Strongholds & Streaming

Created by Matt Colville โ€” MCDM Productions

A 5th Edition supplement for building Strongholds and attracting Followers! And we're raising money to livestream my next campaign!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update Number Three! Shiping and Whatnot.
over 6 years ago โ€“ Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 12:24:05 AM


Update Number One!
over 6 years ago โ€“ Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 03:13:06 PM

There was an EVEN LESS FORMAL update this morning you can watch here;

Meanwhile here's the first update.ย 

Today, Day One, was pretty incredible! We met our funding goal in like 34 minutes? Met all our goals in 4 hours? And now stand at over $600k!

That's because of YOU! Your support, your interest, your getting the word out. Thank you. I'm going to spend the next several months busting my ass so I don't let you down.

  • We unlocked everything! We have no plans to add more stretch goals because we want to make sure we deliver on everything.
  • We're working to make the pledge levels clearer, standby.ย 
  • The SUPER STREAM SUPPORTER level is just the STREAM SUPPORTER Level + Limited Edition book. It does not include a dragon. The text is meant to refer to "everything in the level above this one; the STREAM SUPPORTER level." We apologize for any confusion, we're new at this.
  • Shipping covers all fulfillment, we went with a reputable partner we trust and who will make sure shipping is smooth and folks will get their stuff in a timely organized opposed to us who have no warehouse and have never shipped thousands of books before and will screw it up. :D

You're going to read a lot of press about how quickly we funded, about how much money we raised! Obviously we did do that, butย because we were asking folks to pick their shipping option when they pledge, those totals include allย the shipping! Which most kickstarters don't. Most kickstarters want you to come back at the end of the campaign and fill out a form with your address and shipping choices, but I really felt strongly that if you knew what you wanted now, and saw that pledge level, you could just pledge now and never come back to the site and some number of months later your book would arrive. :Dย 

But that means Kickstarter is tracking your shipping costs as well as your pledge, so the actual "total pledged" based on the backer levels is much less. Much less crazy!

Stay tuned for more updates folks!

New Pledge Menu
over 6 years ago โ€“ Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 03:12:59 PM

We have updated the Pledge Menu in order to help with any confusion about what you get at the various pledge levels.

You will notice that there are two levels (#8 & #9) just for fans of minis. So if you just want the minis these are the levels for you.

The levels with the Discord Icon (little purple controller) get access to the playtest Discord channel and the playtest version of the book.ย  All backers will get access to the Kickstarter Discord channel.

We will have more details about how add-ons will work as we finalize it ourselves.ย  In general, if you want a second copy of the book or a second t-shirt there will be a way for that to happen.

Thanks again for all the amazing support.ย  We hope this clears up any questions about the pledge levels.

-Team MCDM